Frequently Asked Questions

We’ll just start off this page by saying the answer many of these frequently asked questions is: it depends. Answers to the majority of these questions will have their own individual answers on a case-by-case basis, but we’ll try to give general rules and principles that apply to most situations.

What does Inkling Creative do?

Inkling Creative solves the problem of poor and unclear visual communication. We make your company and your visual communication clear and memorable.

But first, your company needs to know what problems you solve for your customers and how you solve them. After you know that, you need to use that information to capture the attention of your customers, create and give the solutions to their problems, and change their lives. So you and I will work well together if:

  1. Your company has poor or unclear visual communication and you want your communication clear and memorable instead
  2. You have a monthly marketing budget exceeding a few hundred dollars (for both design and print)
  3. You are a small business owner or have the authority to gather information and make marketing decisions for your company

What’s your pricing?

Let's begin by saying, it depends. Standard pricing per project is custom-quoted because each project and each person’s needs and desires are different. But our standard charge is $80/hour. That includes any researching, icon-creating, page-laying-out, photography-searching, communicating, filing, etc. This charge does not include billing, estimating, tea-making, napping, chatting, or any of those non-billable…things.

Why should I pay that much?

Almost everyone is an expert in something. Or at least, we know more about something than the next person. It just so happens that Inkling Creative’s expertise is in design and print. We give paper and design recommendations based on our years of experience and knowledge of what works.

  • Could you do the same thing we do? Maybe.
  • Could you find the same information that we give? Yes.
  • Would it happen as fast? Definitely not.
  • Do you have the same knowledge of contingencies and what could affect your outcome? No.

When you hire us, you get our range of experience, our knowledge of what works, and our body of resources. We’ve already learned the lessons and taken the risks so that you don’t have to.

Why should I use print?

We highly recommend the use of print because it’s well…more memorable. Quality design on quality paper makes an impression. 

The answer to this question can go so many different directions, and I covered many of the reasons in my “neuroscience of touch” blog series. But if you still want answers, here are a few:

Two compelling reasons to use print in your marketing:

  1. Print is permanent
  2. Print stimulates the senses

Two reasons print is the foundation of marketing:

  1. Print marketing boosts recall
  2. Print marketing boosts results

Print marketing also builds trust and simply stands out. These are just a few reasons we highly recommend using print, but if you want to learn more, we recommend checking out the blogs posted above as well as our other articles and posts about print.

Can your company afford not to be remembered? The answer to that question tells you whether or not you can afford memorable design and print.

If you have any questions, want to learn more, or want to get started with print marketing, contact us today. We love making companies memorable.

Isn't print outdated?

Please see the answer to the above question. But besides that, print hasn't gone away yet has it? It still keeps sticking around and growing in popularity.

Why is that?

It's more memorable.

In a world that's becoming more and more digital and less and less personally interactive, people crave something more. They crave touch. They crave something that's tangible. Print is one thing that satisfies those cravings.

What paper should I use?

The best answer to this question very much depends on your project: it’s purpose and what it’s used for. But a standard rule and practice is, for anything that’s not a book or magazine, heavier is better. For reference, standard printer paper is 20# text (which equals 20-pound text-weight).  A nice quality, heavy-ish business card is 14pt (which equals about 208# text or 120# cover).

If you want a nice quality, heavy, 8/5x11 handout or flyer that people won’t immediately throw away, we recommend 80# or 100# cover.

But like we said, it depends on the purpose of your project.