All design begins with an inkling, and each inkling has the potential to be a work of art.
Welcome to Inkling Creative!
I know it might seem unusual, but I want to start by talking about brains. Specifically, a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI is sudden trauma to the head that causes brain damage. (Ouch!)
I’m Lauren Waller, owner and chief inker at Inkling Creative, and by the grace of God, I survived one of those. And since the brain is involved in pretty much everything, during recovery, I had to relearn how to eat, drink, breathe, write, walk, talk, and remember.
So if I talk and think a little slow... (I'm all there, I promise!) there are just lingering effects. ;+)
Now, as owner of Inkling Creative (a freelance print graphic design company in South Florida), you’re in luck! I want to use what I learned during my recovery to help you make your company memorable through graphic design, branding, and print marketing. Because memorable companies attract the right customers and keep them coming back.
Call me today if you don’t want to be forgotten.
The Beginning
It all started when I was younger. I always asked for the latest art toy for holidays (I think Spin Art* was my favorite). Then in college I went to school to be a business major, and when I saw that my suitemate's graphic design homework looked a lot more fun than mine, I switched, and haven't looked back. I work because I love what I do — I love helping you.

But art simply for art's sake isn't enough.
As the author of everything, God Himself is the FIRST designer, so being created in His image means that we express His creative qualities. Unfortunately, sin has damaged that expression so it is far less than perfect. As a designer, my purpose is to reflect God's character, and I do this by creating excellent, ordered, beautiful designs that help your company.
The Birth of Inkling Creative
I saw a need for beauty in the mundane, and that's why Inkling Creative was born.
For example, business cards aren't glamorous, but it really makes an impression when you receive a nice one. And that's what I do. I'm here to make you shine through graphic design, branding, and print. The name "Inkling Creative" came because often, I begin as the name suggests: with an idea (an inkling), ink, and paper. Before a computer is even touched, sketches are made and design begins.
I'm a firm believer that art communicates. Good art, good graphic design, remains in customers' minds because it communicates well. Bad graphic design is fleeting because it communicates poorly. I'm here to help you communicate well.
In traditional comic book artistry, an "inker" is the line artist that gives an idea depth. As the "chief inker," I give ideas depth. I make ideas happen. I bring your ideas to life.
You think it, we ink it — with graphic design, branding, and print.
Why Graphic Design?
Graphic Design Influences Action
Did you know that in a decade, companies who emphasized design outperformed those that didn’t by 200%? And 93% of people say the visual dimension is the number one factor influencing their buying decisions?
We visually and verbally simplify your company’s message so that customers easily understand and remember your company. Our graphic design is clean — your customers quickly see how your company helps them.
We remember what is clear.
Memorable graphic design is essential for making sales. We can help.
Why Branding?
Branding Creates Familiarity
Let's go back to my traumatic brain injury.
When I came out of a coma, I had to relearn how to eat, breathe, write, walk, talk, and remember.
The majority of that took about a year, but the issue that stuck around the longest (and caused a good deal of frustration) was that of memory. Because of that, I spent a quite a bit of time and energy learning tactics regarding how to remember.
When I graduated college after missing a year and then working at a few companies, I started Inkling Creative. The goal of Inkling Creative is to use what I learned during my recovery to help you make your company memorable — and that's why consistent branding is so important.
A memorable brand communicates both trustworthiness and professionalism. It helps customers recognize a company. To be memorable, a brand must be consistent — it must look the same across all digital and printed marketing.
We remember what repeats.
People remember what repeats, and a consistent brand "repeats" the same things over and over again — with colors, fonts, icons, logos, style, etc. This is part of what make a brand memorable.
Our brains remember patterns (repetition), so they naturally create and recognize them. With consistent branding, we help your company become one of those patterns.
Let us help your brand become top-of-mind.
Why Print?
Print Gives Legitimacy
At my first job after graduating from college, I was first introduced to print as part of communication in marketing. When I attended a Lunch'n Learn hosted by Franklin-Dodd Communications, the deal was sealed. What I learned here hooked me on the benefits of print in marketing, and my desire to be a part of the print design industry. You can read more of what I learned at my blog and how the neuroscience of print makes it extremely effective for a company's marketing.
From experience, I knew print was more effective. From research, I learned so many benefits of and statistics about print marketing . Since memory isn't a strong point for me, I connected the dots: print really is more memorable.
While digital media encourages engagement, print prompts sales. We help you use print to stimulate the brain and guide behavior. Part of that is because the quality of the paper reflects the quality of the company. We want to show people the quality that your company provides, and quality paper makes that impact.
We remember what makes an impact.
Inkling Creative specializes in print design and is based in Hobe Sound, Florida, but we're not limited here. In the age of media and digital communication, we've worked with clients in the UK, Canada, and across the country. You can check out the Ink Shop for more design and marketing resources to help your business.
Book an appointment; let's make your company memorable today
If you are not looking for a designer right now or are just getting started, sign up for the free cheat sheet to learn the 6 elements essential to help your brand look better.
* Link have an asterisk next to it? It's an affiliate link. Click here to read our affiliate policy.