Which industry do you think of when you think of print marketing? For many, the answer is real estate. While many agents say referrals produce the most leads (inman), print is pretty well mixed with web as the next highest source.
Whether print is better or web is better doesn’t really matter because both are consistently used with great results. Both are important in real estate. However, it does say a lot that more than 80% of realtors spend more than $500 on printed materials each year.

If printed materials are so important for realtors, which ones should you focus on? Below are five marketing essentials shown to increase website traffic. (Which in turn creates traffic for your business.)
Custom Business Cards
Business cards are often a person's (or company’s) first impression. As such, they are incredibly important. If someone only remembers your company by your business card, what do you want them remembering?

Many agents and companies like using newsletters to stay in touch with both clients and prospects. Newsletters are often full of valuable real estate information. They also provide value by carrying information for complementary businesses such as insurance companies or mortgage brokers.
Newsletters can also be either physical or digital, as long as you get the right information to the right place.
Brochures, especially self-mailed brochures, allow real estate agents to present a considerable amount of information to those interested. Another plus is that they can’t be easily deleted from an overfull inbox. Brochures allow a few more seconds to grab a customer’s attention than a simple subject line.

A few more benefits of brochures is that they are in an easily digestible format. Print is easier on the eyes than screens. Print is also kept for an average of 15 days (24HourPrintLine). That’s a two week opportunity to get your message across!
While many think print is dead, real estate postcards prove it’s not. A valuable means of sending information, postcards consistently produce positive outcomes without breaking the bank.
Fifty-three percent of homebuyers list yard signs as a method of home-searching
Postcards are as versatile as people. They are used for communication with existing buyers, generating referrals and repeated business, or targeting first-time home buyers. Send a billboard to clients and potential customers’ mailboxes with EDDM or direct mail postcards.

Real Estate Signs and Outdoor Flags
We’ve all seen them — the “for sale” signs along the rural or urban street. If you’re in the market for a house, you’re especially attuned to them. Even if you’re not, they draw curiosity. Fifty-three percent of homebuyers list yard signs as a method of home-searching (NAR).
A custom, attention-grabbing sign or flag helps you and your homes stand out. If your company if specifically branded, personalized signs also help build your brand identity.
The Bottom Line
Business cards, newsletters, brochures, postcards, and outdoor signage are five valuable methods of print marketing are marketing essentials real estate agents should use to grow their business. The internet is also valuable tool in real estate marketing, but print dare not be forgotten or neglected.
Business cards, newsletters, brochures, postcards, and outdoor signage are five valuable methods of print marketing are marketing essentials real estate agents should use to grow their business.
Inkling Creative offers both high-quality design and print to help make your business memorable. Contact me for an estimate today.

If you want to learn more about how to use new software to design your own postcards or marketing materials, please sign up to learn Affinity Publisher. This is the program I use to develop and create books, ebooks, postcards, social media graphics, and more.