June 2, 2021

Captivating Business Cards First • Impressions Matter

We all agree that first impressions are important right? Think about one of the first impressions your business actually makes: a flyer...or a business card.

Now, Inkling Creative does a whole lot more than business cards and flyers, but a business card is a first touchpoint that can make your company memorable (in a good way OR a bad way).

Elorus tells us that business cards are still the most effective direct marketing tool, and they do this by sharing 3 things about your company:

First, they share information: who YOU are and what your company does. Really effective business cards succinctly share why your company matters to your customers: how you solve their problem.

Revers the Door Business Cards

Secondly, they share your company's style: are you clean or disorganized? Retro or modern? Serious or fun?

A|R Kidz Business Cards

Finally, a business card shares your company's quality: are you flimsy or substantial? Half-hearted or intentional?

As you can see, you can learn a whole lot about a company by its business card. Check out some of my samples, and give yours a second thought by contacting Inkling Creative today.

Lauren Waller

Greetings! I'm Lauren Waller, a graphic designer who specializes in print design. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I love the tactile nature of paper and how neuroscience has proven its dynamic impact on the brain.

I am based in the bright state of Florida after moving from the beautiful-part-of-the-time state of Michigan. I am a dedicated Christian who is honest, friendly, and hard-working. When I am not designing, I enjoy listening to classical and Christian music, taking photos, exploring nature, cooking, and reading a great book.

We should chat!

Lauren Signature - Inkling Creative
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