June 27, 2017

Little Inklings

Seven billion, five hundred fourteen million, four hundred fifty-four thousand eight hundred sixty-nine. That is the current total world population, according to World-o-meter (or at least it was, it has since dramatically increased). As of ten o’clock in the morning, the number of births June 27, 2017 exceeds 160,000, whereas the number of deaths tops 94,000. The rate at which the numbers change is staggering.


The Genesis Project is in full swing. At least, that’s what we call it. In Genesis 1:28, God tells Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And that is what humanity has done and continued to do the last two-thousand plus years.


With the multiplication of the human species come new needs. New babies require many things like love, care, nourishment, sleep, and clothing. I saw this need for clothing, and I saw an opportunity for creativity to be displayed.


My husband, Shawn, loves coming up with ideas and was thrilled about the idea of creating onesies. He told me up front, “if you ever need more ideas…I’ve got tons.” (Through this process, I dubbed him the “chief thinker.”) Together, he and I came up with a few ideas, but before we ventured more into the design and creation process, I needed to find a way to get them produced.

While writing his book Ready, Set, Go!, Shawn found out about “print-on-demand” companies that do low volume work for individuals so that keeping inventory is not necessary. While researching for one of my clients, the concept of print-on-demand clothing was introduced to me. So I researched and compared a few companies with this capability.

Once the fulfillment company was chosen, it took quite a bit of back-end website work to integrate my shop with their system, but now that that is done, I will be designing more onesies. But first, I wanted to inform people of this idea.

I never saw myself as a clothing designer, but in this day and age anything is possible. Though we are not yet participants in the multiplication aspect of the Genesis project, if that day comes, we won’t lack clothing variety.

If you would like to view the onesies that are currently available, I would be honored if you took a look at my shop.

Lauren Waller

Greetings! I'm Lauren Waller, a graphic designer who specializes in print design. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I love the tactile nature of paper and how neuroscience has proven its dynamic impact on the brain.

I am based in the bright state of Florida after moving from the beautiful-part-of-the-time state of Michigan. I am a dedicated Christian who is honest, friendly, and hard-working. When I am not designing, I enjoy listening to classical and Christian music, taking photos, exploring nature, cooking, and reading a great book.

We should chat!

Lauren Signature - Inkling Creative
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