February 3, 2020

Print: The Power to Capture and Hold Attention

We operate online in a very specific way. We scan pages. Content is skimmed. We skip ads.

But on the contrary, we sit down with a book. We mull over a newspaper; we save postcards. The mindset with which we approach print is very different from how we operate online. Print has the ability to hold attention.


All of this means that the challenge for companies is profound. Either they are competing for rapidly diminishing attention spans, or the marketplace is so noisy they can’t make themselves heard.

It's challenging for a business to gain traction and hold attention.

In this world shrinking attention spans and overcrowded commerce, print offers something different. Printed marketing helps because it helps a company both capture and hold the focus of consumers. 

Think again with me. We don't often go sit and read a novel on a phone — at least not for long. Because our brains just aren't wired that way.

A 2017 study found that over 90% of participants said that their concentration was better when reading from print. Of the same, 80% say that they would prefer print studying for pleasure (Walnut Unlimited).

The Neurosciencea of Touch - Hold Attention


And the implications of this are huge for companies. Companies want to be heard. Companies want to be remembered and hold attention.

The power of print makes that possible. 

Printed marketing helps a company both capture and hold the focus of consumers. 

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Print: Hold Attention

If you are convinced you need print marketing, but don’t have the resources to hire it out, check out my course, Attract + Transform. I teach you the skills and resources you need to make your ideas come to life.

What are your thoughts?

How is your attention span when reading print versus digital?

Lauren Waller

Greetings! I'm Lauren Waller, a graphic designer who specializes in print design. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I love the tactile nature of paper and how neuroscience has proven its dynamic impact on the brain.

I am based in the bright state of Florida after moving from the beautiful-part-of-the-time state of Michigan. I am a dedicated Christian who is honest, friendly, and hard-working. When I am not designing, I enjoy listening to classical and Christian music, taking photos, exploring nature, cooking, and reading a great book.

We should chat!

Lauren Signature - Inkling Creative
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