March 25, 2022

How a graphic designer says "Thank You"

Things have changed a lot over here at Inkling Creative, but one thing that doesn’t change is the need to say “Thank You.”

But first, what has changed? At the end of 2021, Shawn and I headed over to India to finalize the adoption of our daughter, Jubilee. Jubilee Arti Elizabeth Waller is our first child, and she is certainly a joy.

Waller India Adoption

Her friendly wave and infectious smile charm just about everyone she comes into contact with. But, if you weren’t aware, parenting any child is a lot of work. It completely changes any pre-conceived notions of that thing called “schedule.” Flexibility is certainly a must.

And also to enlighten you to things you may not have known, adoption is expensive. But through a lot of hard work and the Lord’s abundant kindness, most of our adoption was funded through the grants and gifts of many kind and generous people.

Now I may be old-fashioned, but my parents taught me manners. And also, as a Christian, I believe gifts require a thank you.

In this case, a traditional thank you card for our donors probably would have sufficed, but I’m a graphic designer. I wanted to create something personalized that gives a glimpse into our story and the impact donors made.

Leaf Thank you Card mockup

So instead of a traditional card,  we did something non-traditional. I quickly created a simple printed photo booklet that gives a glimpse into our journey.

As you may have read on here before, print is more permanent. Print makes a bigger impact. I also think print is more thoughtful because it shows more effort was put into it. 

I wanted to express our genuine appreciation to:

But because print isn’t as transferable or as easy to get into the right hands, I also created a digital version to send to donors. 

So as an expression of our genuine appreciation (and to give you a glimpse into what our time in India looked like and our adorable daughter), please take a look at our booklet below.

If anyone has any questions about adoption, the process, or creating your own booklet, please contact us! Thank you all so much for your support!

Lauren Waller

Greetings! I'm Lauren Waller, a graphic designer who specializes in print design. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I love the tactile nature of paper and how neuroscience has proven its dynamic impact on the brain.

I am based in the bright state of Florida after moving from the beautiful-part-of-the-time state of Michigan. I am a dedicated Christian who is honest, friendly, and hard-working. When I am not designing, I enjoy listening to classical and Christian music, taking photos, exploring nature, cooking, and reading a great book.

We should chat!

Lauren Signature - Inkling Creative
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