August 15, 2023

The Fortune is in the Follow-up — Don't Be Forgotten

As a youngster attempting to get my first jobs, one of the things my dad constantly re-emphasized was that “the fortune is in the follow-up.” Or, to put my spin on it, you can’t expect to make much money if someone forgets you.

What’s one way to make sure people don’t forget you?

Keep showing up — remind people you exist (politely and unobnoxiously of course). Follow-up.

Earlier this year, I designed a logo for someone; I was really proud of it. Initially, this person didn’t give me the go ahead to start working on the logo, but I thought it sounded really fun, so I did anyway. (I knew it was a risky move.)

It turns out this person loved the logo but was not agreeable to the price. So the project became nothing but wishful thinking and a [cool] portfolio piece.

Fast forward six months. That business owner reaches out again to readdress the logo. (Mind you, this is after years of periodic reaching out after an initial positive interaction.) It turns out that that business is going a different direction, so the original logo wouldn’t have worked. But Inkling Creative was given another chance to work on the new logo.

Since then, this client has given me more branding projects for other entrepreneurial endeavors.

My risky move paid off. 

What Does Following Up Mean for You?

Don’t let people forget you. Better yet, stay top-of-mind. Follow up. Stay in their inbox. Stay in their mailbox.

If you need help with that, let me know. I’d love to help.

Rooting for you!

Lauren Waller

Greetings! I'm Lauren Waller, a graphic designer who specializes in print design. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I love the tactile nature of paper and how neuroscience has proven its dynamic impact on the brain.

I am based in the bright state of Florida after moving from the beautiful-part-of-the-time state of Michigan. I am a dedicated Christian who is honest, friendly, and hard-working. When I am not designing, I enjoy listening to classical and Christian music, taking photos, exploring nature, cooking, and reading a great book.

We should chat!

Lauren Signature - Inkling Creative
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